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Turn Your Website into Your Best Performing Salesperson

The Internet has fundamentally transformed the way that marketing works. According to our partners at Hubspot, 80 percent of all businesses with a low traffic website report that they are not reaching their annual revenue goals.

This isn’t surprising. Today, a website is the single most important marketing asset at a brand’s disposal. In some industries - especially manufacturing and B2B - sites are still seen as mere information repositories.

But even that is changing; in 2018, 50 percent of manufacturers reported plans to launch a content marketing strategy within the next 12 months.

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Why Conveyance Marketing Group?

Conveyance Marketing Group is comprised of dedicated and experienced marketers with the unique ability to translate highly technical services/products to audiences across varied marketing channels. Our slogan, “we speak geek”, speaks to our ability to bridge the gap between left-brained engineers and right-brained creatives, ultimately delivering a powerful and targeted marketing strategy.

Focused on results that are driven by client objectives our team takes the time to understand your pain points, industry, competitors, and differentiators. Through this analysis a team of dedicated marketing talent implements a data-driven marketing roadmap that informs/educates the target audience on “why you”. Get started with a complimentary consult from Conveyance Marketing Group CEO, Kristine Jacobson, reserve your time here.