A Hero-maker Sets Its Sights on the Future

The rebranding process is all about repositioning an organization either within their current industry or in one that is entirely new. Companies pursue rebranding for a wide variety of reasons - some are looking to shed a bad reputation or press, while others simply want to reinvigorate their image to initiate growth. Regardless of the end-goal, the process must be a strategic one. Big decisions need to be made to propel big changes. Yet, small decisions must be made, too. It is in those little decisions that a company defines who it is and how it plans to succeed. 

Case Study on Brand Refersh for IDI


Innovative Decisions, Inc. (IDI) is a company on a mission to make heroes of its clients. The small, veteran-owned business opened its doors in 1997 to bring world-class decision support, data science, research, training, and systems engineering to decision-makers throughout the federal government and commercial space. When IDI’s founders handed over the organization’s reigns to new leadership, the company knew that it was the right time to refresh their marketing efforts. IDI wasn’t looking to abandon its roots; it merely wanted to show new growth. IDIers are more than subject-matter experts (SMEs)they are are hero-making visionaries in their respective fields. 


IDI Print materials

Print is dead! Long live print! It’s confusing, we know. For a while, we all thought that print was a goner. There was an epic battle between the inbox and the mailbox, and it seemed like the inbox had won. But then something happened: print made a comeback! People began to miss the feel of paper and the trust it instills – and IDI’s customers were no exception. During the rebranding process, we created a capabilities brochure, trade show hand-outs, and other highly-targeted print materials to convey IDI’s renewed purpose.  


Welcome to Twitter
Digital marketing is now considered to be “traditional” marketing because a company’s online presence is critical, from its website to its LinkedIn posts. One of IDI’s primary goals during the rebranding process was to completely revamp its website. We did just that, incorporating a modern, user-friendly design with the right content to attract decision-makers and soon-to-be heroes. At the same time, we tackled their social media image by creating and executing a LinkedIn strategy that involved consistent posting from the company and some of its innovative IDIers. 


You don’t have to completely reinvent yourself during the rebranding process. Some of the most effective rebranding campaigns are those that take a good idea and make it great. IDI already knew who it was as a company - and where it wanted to go. No one wanted to erase two decades of accomplishments. With Conveyance’s support, IDI was able to strategically communicate its message for the future, both in print and online. Now the thought leaders are poised to drive more organizations than ever to better results, fortifying their foundation and making new heroes along the way. 


Bob Liebe
Our collaboration with Conveyance Marketing to reimagine our brand was transformative. They not only refreshed our identity but also propelled us into our new era of service, innovation and leadership.
Bob Liebe, President, Innovative Decisions Inc.
Kristine Jacobson
We felt profoundly honored to rebrand a group of unsung heroes committed to innovative work for our nation. Guiding such a distinguished organization through a transformative rebranding process was not only a privilege but a deeply inspiring journey, reminding us of the impactful change driven by true leadership and dedication.
Kristine Jacobson on working with IDI leadership on the company's next stage

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