A well planned content and media strategy for a beloved event

The Old Lucketts Store has been holding its tremendously successful annual Spring Market for 18 years. The longevity of the market in its long-standing original location, on the grounds of The Old Lucketts Store, made it a challenge to disseminate the new information in a way that it was clear, concise and entertaining. The very thing that has made this a destination event, word-of-mouth by loyal customers, could not be entirely relied upon to spread the new location information accurately.

Case Study on Event Management for Lucketts Spring Market


Building on the success of previous Spring Markets, excitement needed to be created about the change of venue in a way that attracted immediate attention. Under the tag line “It’s True!” we created web banners as well imagery to be used in Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and on blogs, as well as all sales collateral, posters, hang tags, and postcards that featured the tag line prominently so that the change of venue was reinforced with every communication. Daily blog posts, counting down the days until the market, emphasized specific aspects of the activities over the Market’s 3 days but also emphasized the move, keeping the message consistent throughout all platforms.



One of the most distinctive elements of design is color, and in a business that is as visual as The Old Lucketts Store, instant brand recognition is important. Using the typeface of the word “Spring Market” provided by the client, we worked all additional fonts to complement and not compete with the signature typeface of their logo. All of the graphics used in online marketing platforms and sales collateral materials were kept consistent with typeface and color. These elements were simple and clear and were intended to create a feeling of familiarity for those who are loyal customers as well as excitement for new prospective attendees to the event. Daily posts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter were supported by daily blogs counting down the days until the event.


When an event is as popular and anticipated as The Lucketts Spring Market – and has been an event that is social-calendar worthy and known state-wide – changing the location after 18 years can create confusion and subsequent concern over whether customers and vendors will follow and find the new venue with ease. By making sure the message was upheld consistently in all communications: media, social media, and marketing collateral, with graphics that were easy to read and consistent in appearance, we were able to ensure continued success and establish the permanence of the new venue.


When an event is as popular and anticipated as The Lucketts Spring Market – and has been an event that is social-calendar worthy and known state-wide – changing the location after 18 years can create confusion and subsequent concern over whether customers and vendors will follow and find the new venue with ease. By making sure the message was upheld consistently in all communications: media, social media, and marketing collateral, with graphics that were easy to read and consistent in appearance, we were able to ensure continued success and establish the permanence of the new venue.


Thank you, Thank you Conveyance Team ... the Spring Market was a HUGE success!
Suzanne & Amy
Writing the blogs, countdown blogs, press releases and articles for the Spring Market was creatively fulfilling; as a long time fan of The Old Lucketts Store and The Lucketts Spring Market, it was easy to write about a subject I love. The main message, that of the Market’s move to The Clarke County Fairgrounds, was kept prominent and it was easy to communicate excitement because the images and graphics were beautifully tied in and inspiring.
Haydee LeTonja on the Lucketts Spring Market
It was a tremendously fun assignment to create the different graphic elements to be used on the different social media platforms; all tying in to the tag line, “It's True!.” Incorporating the fun and bright colors and making sure the theme carried through to all communications to customers and vendors was a wonderful challenge. The already broad appeal of The Lucketts Store made the work a creative joy.
Stephanie Sams on the Lucketts Spring Market

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