A Company Takes Control of Its Fate

Inbound marketing, otherwise known as pull marketing, is a marketing technique that serves to attract, engage, retain, and grow customers. It uses tools such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), content marketing, and Public Relations (PR) to grab the attention of potential customers when and where they are ready to receive it. Unlike outbound marketing efforts that typically involve paid media, inbound marketing utilizes media that companies already own or have earned, such as social media, blogs, or online reviews.  

Case Study on Securicon HubSpot ICS Campaign


The consultants at Securicon know a thing or two about cybersecurity. In fact, some say that they invented it. Securicon’s leaders and consultants are routinely asked to speak at conventions and other events to share their knowledge and expertise with the rest of the industry. The company excels at optimizing security methodologies and strategies to ensure client success, yet its leaders realized one day that they were leaving their own fate up in the air – depending solely on their network and past clients to refer new business. Everyone was working hard, but nothing was turning their efforts into leads and sales. 


Securicon ICS Ebook

Inbound marketing uses content like blogs, emails, and whitepapers to drive results. The formats may vary, but all content must have one thing in common: It has to be good. Good content can draw customers into today’s marketing flywheel where they are no longer forgotten at the end of a funnel; instead, they are continuously nurtured by service, marketing, and sales. Securicon partnered with us to harness the potential of Hubspot, powerful inbound marketing software, to put its own good content to use. We set up automated nurture campaigns to disperse content and collect leads, tracking the movements of every prospect and delivering the information that Securicon’s audience desires. 


Securicon MQL to SQL Process HubSpot Automation
Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) are leads that have met pre-determined criteria and are ready to be passed onto the sales team. Sales Accepted Leads (SALs) are those leads with which the sales team follows up. Using Hubspot, we were able to make the transition from MQL to SAL seamless by defining specific parameters and setting up automatic workflows to notify the Securicon sales team of leads that are ready for personalized contact. This means that their inbound campaigns not only nurture their clients, but they allow Securicon to turn leads into sales. 


When you revolutionize an industry – or create it – communicating what you do and how you do it can be easy. It’s the shift to marketing and then selling that knowledge that holds many innovators back. Thankfully, inbound marketing software like Hubspot has made it easy for organizations like Securicon to attract, engage, retain, and grow customers. Securicon consistently runs nuture campaigns featuring their expert content and their SAL leads land in the inboxes of the sales team, putting their fate back where it should be – in their own hands. 


Bo Wheeler
I've seen numerous strategies come and go, but the recent ICS inbound marketing campaign has truly set a new standard. Conveyance Marketing’s approach and understanding of our target market led to a remarkable increase in MQLs. The quality of these leads was outstanding. This has not only boosted our sales metrics but also enhanced the synergy between our sales and marketing efforts.
Bo Wheeler, Vice President Sales & Marketing, Securicon
Raine Willcox
I'm incredibly proud of our team's dedication to delivering a mix of high-quality content for the ICS inbound marketing campaign. From insightful blogs and informative ebooks to engaging social media posts, our content strategy was integral to generating a significant increase in MQLs. It's a true testament to our collective effort and the power of strategic content marketing.
Raine Willcox on the successful HubSpot inbound and content marketing campaign

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