Enabling Epic Adventures

When Trailer Valet came to us, company leaders wanted to set the tone for their brand and fine-tune their marketing efforts. It was time to sharpen Trailer Valet’s image and clarify the way the company was portrayed to the outside world. Leaders wanted the company to be known for its connection to the community, which consists of outdoorsmen of all pursuits: hikers, campers, fishermen, RVers, and more. Unlike other companies, Trailer Valet understands that being outdoors is simply a way of life – and they can maximize your time there by minimizing your hassles of trailering.



Our marketing objective was straightforward: Expand the brand by communicating the company’s commitment to providing best-in-class products and service to consumers, dealers, distributors, and vendors. To achieve this, we had to first clearly identify Trailer Valet’s brand via their branding guidelines. Then, we prepared a branding campaign execution framework filled with tactics that could be tailored to different stages of the customer journey. These tactics included a mix of paid, earned, and owned media that would generate demand, influence buying decisions, and inspire customers to act.



It was critical for Trailer Valet to establish what they could and could not do with their logo. Channel partners are key to Trailer Valet’s success, but they also present challenges when it comes to marketing collaboration. The branding guidelines are concise easy to follow for both partners and employees. The document lays out acceptable logo variations, spacing and size requirements, color choices, and usage directions. It also presents examples of what cannot be done to the logo, such as changing it to an unapproved font or color. Trailer Valet’s logo will be uniform and recognizable – no matter where it is used.


Every campaign needs a plan. For Trailer Valet, we established an execution framework for our branding campaign that coincided with the stages of the customer journey: Reach, Act, Convert, and Engage. As the backbone of our branding campaign, the framework allowed us to delve into the specifics of every tactic while keeping our goals in mind. During the first quarter of our partnership, we focused our efforts on brand awareness in the “Reach” and “Act” phases. This included branding tactics such as print advertising, search pay-per-click (PPC), search engine optimization (SEO), influencer outreach, landing page development, social media, and merchandising.


Brand identities are fragile creatures, and they must be protected and nurtured at all costs. Without brand recognition, Trailer Valet would be cast into the same pool as their competitors – and that simply would not do their innovation justice. Trailer Valet is a disruptor in the RV and Outdoor Gear/Lifestyle marketplace, and it is critical to constantly reinforce and build on that. Their branding guidelines and campaign execution framework serve as a powerful tool in their battle to remain top-of-mind industry-wide, allowing them connect to more people and enable greater, more epic adventures.


This project was a lot of fun as we got to push the boundaries a bit and get a little sassy and experimental with our marketing. We were targeting a younger millennial crowd and needed to really be creative and thing outside of the box.
Hannah Blankenship on the Trailer Valet Brand
Trailer Valet was a unique project for us, but everyone on the CMG and Trailer Valet teams really meshed and enjoyed working with one another. Building brand launch strategies is one of my favorite things to do, I was in marketing heaven with this project!
Kristine Jacobson on the Trailer Valet Marketing Strategy
The Conveyance Team understood where we wanted to go with our brand; we had a lot of fun reimagining it together.
Ted Chen, Founder, Trailer Valet

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