Turning Many Messages into One

“These are our brand pillars. This is how we talk to our clients. This is what we do.”

Effective marketing, messaging, and communications require strategy. Despite more than 10 years in business and hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue, Xenon arc had never built a comprehensive brand messaging platform. The new management team knew they needed this powerful tool to take the company to the next level. 

We conducted several intensive brand strategy sessions in order to get at the core of what Xenon arc does, what they want to be, and how they want customers to perceive their brand. The result was a comprehensive messaging platform that gives everyone in the company very clear language, proof points, and positioning – ensuring that the Xenon arc brand is consistent in every interaction with clients, partners, and industry influencers.  

Xenon Arc Website

Creating Cohesion Through Messaging

Maintaining standard communications is important for any business. As teams grow and the company scales, an effective messaging platform moves from a “nice to have” shiny object to a necessity to ensure every person on the team communicates consistently internally and to clients and prospects. Following a marketing alignment survey and two days of in-depth conversations with Xenon arc leadership, we developed a document that outlines every aspect of the company and how they serve their clients and partners. We crafted their mission and vision statements, using them as a lens to create positioning statements for frameworks, services, and approaches, and ultimately — highlight the value they bring to key buyer personas. 
Inside Sales

Brand Strategy


While it’s possible to move the needle without a cohesive strategy, the most productive efforts require a deep dive into sales and marketing alignment, business goals, and customer needs. We provided Xenon arc with a comprehensive survey prior to sitting down for two days of intensive strategy sessions to uncover what makes Xenon arc unique in the materials industry, the problems they solve for their clients, and their industry-leading approach. Following these sessions, in addition to defining Xenon arc’s positioning, we uncovered a treasure trove of opportunities for the company to gain visibility and leverage authority. 

Messaging Platform

Xenon arc Messaging
Understanding what to say and how to say it consistently across your organization is essential for developing a cohesive brand. Clearly defined terminology and positioning aids marketing efforts, enhances the client experience, and streamlines internal communications. Following our intensive brand strategy sessions, we reviewed recordings and notes to create a powerful, highly detailed messaging platform that features mission and vision statements, boilerplate text, and positions every service and approach with key talking points any Xenon arc team member can use to speak authoritatively to internal and external stakeholder. 

Turning Many Messages Into One

By synthesizing Xenon arc’s brand strategy into a cohesive messaging document we put words to the story they are telling. Armed with this, Xenon arc could control the narrative and be seen as industry leaders and changemakers. Ultimately, it led them to securing funding to continue growing the company and affecting change on an even larger scale. 


Mica Zuniga
Conveyance helped to transform Xenon arc's brand by providing us with a comprehensive messaging platform that encapsulates our core identity, aspirations, and how we wish to be perceived. Their strategic approach ensures consistency across all interactions, elevating our brand to new heights. Their work is an invaluable asset for our future growth.
Mica Zuniga, Chief Strategy Officer, Xenon arc
Kristine Jacobson
I was so impressed by the engagement and enthusiasm of the Xenon arc team. Their eagerness to dive deep into the essence of their brand and share their story was infectious. This genuine passion and commitment were crucial in crafting a messaging platform and rebranding strategy that truly resonated. Their insight and involvement facilitated a process that both celebrated their past achievements and set a solid foundation for future success. 
Kristine Jacobson on rebranding Xenon arc and designing a new website
Erin Pennings
Each session was a deep dive into the brand's soul, uncovering the essence of what makes Xenon arc truly unique. Their openness and passion for storytelling were pivotal in crafting a narrative that accurately reflected their brand identity. Together, we developed a messaging platform that not only aligns with their vision but also speaks directly to their audience's needs. It was a collaborative journey of discovery, creativity, and strategic thinking, resulting in a brand message that’s both authentic and powerful.
Erin Pennings on messaging for Xenon arc

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