Convey It!


The Key to Managing Client Expectations: Communicate KPIs

Posted On: January 31,2019 by: Kristine Jacobson
Bad customer experiences - we've all had them. But how often do they happen, and how aware are businesses? According to statistics, the numbers don't look so good: in 2005, a study by Bain & Company concluded that 80% of business owners believe they...
Website Mistakes to Avoid

8 Web-Design Mistakes to Avoid in 2019

Posted On: January 24,2019 by: Kristine Jacobson
It is difficult to overstate the importance of a well-designed website for modern businesses. Depending on market and product, a homepage may be the most valuable asset that some brands possess. Forming the cornerstone of an inbound marketing...
inbound marketing blog

Top 4 Inbound Marketing Tools

Posted On: December 13,2018 by: Kristine Jacobson
Inbound Marketing is a vital strategy for businesses with an online presence. By emphasizing "pull" over "push," inbound takes advantage of the many different channels your customers and prospects frequent, including search, social media, email, and...
2019 Web Tips

Five Web Design Tips for Content Marketers

Posted On: December 06,2018 by: Kristine Jacobson
If you've ever wondered how many websites exist, the truth is frightening: as of 2018, there are so many registered domains, sites and landing pages that it's impossible to know how many there really are. Furthermore, at least 3 million blog posts...
Conversational Hearts - 2181

Marketing and PR Trends for 2019: Giving Your Customers All The Feels

Posted On: November 29,2018 by: Kristine Jacobson
It may be hard to believe it, but 2018 is almost gone. It’s time to gather data, contemplate your strengths and weaknesses, and make the marketing and public relations (PR) decisions that will set your business up for success in the new year.
Distribute Your Content Extend Your Brand

10 Ways to Distribute Your Content and Extend Your Brand

Posted On: November 20,2018 by: Kristine Jacobson
The majority of modern brands recognize the importance of maintaining a social media presence to distribute and share content hosted on their own sites. But while this is important and necessary, there are many other distribution channels that...
Inbound Marketing Lead Generation

What is Lead Generation?

Posted On: November 15,2018 by: Kristine Jacobson
In order for your business to thrive, you need to attract interested strangers and turn them into loyal customers. This is where your company puts lead generation into play. Lead generation is the process of converting those strangers into potential...
Reddit for Marketing

How the 70/20/10 Rule Can Improve Your Online Presence

Posted On: October 11,2018 by: Kristine Jacobson
Chances are that your company has an online presence. If your business isn’t on the Internet, you should be creating a website and social media accounts to implement an effective social media strategy to take your marketing to the next level – right...
Inbound Marketing with HubSpot

Inbound Marketing 101

Posted On: October 04,2018 by: Kristine Jacobson
Are you ready for the new trend in marketing? To be honest, there appears to be a new one every week; we all live and die by the latest and greatest. This “trend” however, is one that really SHOULD be pulling your focus: Inbound Marketing. To be...
Social Media Guidelines Image

Creating Social Media Policies and Guidelines for Your Business

Posted On: September 19,2018 by: Kristine Jacobson
Define what is appropriate, set branding guidelines, and clarify consequences. Social media is woven into the fabric of our culture – kids use it, adults use it, and businesses use it. Because of this, it bring up issues for businesses in terms of...