Convey It!

Small Business Start Up Strategies - Spend Wisely

Small Business Start Up Strategies - Spend Wisely

Posted On: November 23,2016 by: Kristine Jacobson
Dear Entrepreneur, Plan to Spend More Than You Think Ninety percent of startups fail. It’s a fact. And the cold, hard truth is that they all usually fail because of the very same reason: lack of capital. When you are starting a business, it's...
Tips for Entrepreneurs

7 Unusual Business Tips from Entrepreneurs Around the World

Posted On: November 11,2016 by: Kristine Jacobson
Entrepreneurism is thriving globally. I am teaching a class on entrepreneurism as part of the Loudoun County Chamber of Commerce’s Young Entrepreneur Academy (YEA) initiative. Our classroom is full of bright and curious students ranging in age from...
How to Pen Your Vision Statement and Mission Statement

How to Pen Your Vision Statement and Mission Statement

Posted On: September 30,2016 by: Kristine Jacobson
Does your company have a clear vision statement and mission statement —and giving you the focus you need to succeed? Vision and Mission are important components of an organization’s strategic plan. However may find it difficult to delineate the...
Print … the New Luxury Item in Marketing

Print … the New Luxury Item in Marketing

Posted On: August 26,2016 by: Kristine Jacobson
Print marketing is having its own sort of renaissance right now Within the past decade, the pull of the digital world made most marketers abandon print completely. So now, when you receive something that you can actually touch and feel, it’s pretty...

Target Market Analysis - Know Your Generation

Posted On: April 21,2016 by: Kristine Jacobson
Baby Boomers • GenXers • Millennials • DIY When you are trying to market to new clients, it’s important to meet your target audience on their own terms. If you don’t approach your clients and prospects in a way that they can appreciate and digest,...
Content Marketing- Bringing Marketing Back to its Core

Content Marketing: Bringing Marketing Back to its Core

Posted On: March 23,2016 by: Kristine Jacobson
An educated consumer is a better consumer. Content marketing is a hot term in the marketing world right now. Although it isn’t a new invention, it’s a new way of looking at marketing strategy as a whole. It’s the act of educating your target...
Content Management Strategy Courtesy of Ben Franklin

Content Management Strategy Courtesy of Ben Franklin

Posted On: March 18,2016 by: Kristine Jacobson
Words are more strategic. Words are more effective. Words persuade. I came across a quote the other day that I haven’t seen in a while. It’s from Benjamin Franklin, one of our Founding Fathers and an indisputably brilliant man.