Convey It!

Infographic: In-house vs. Outsourced Marketing

Posted On: April 13,2018 by: Kristine Jacobson
Outsourced Marketing is the most cost-effecting way for start-ups and small businesses to spin up their brand and reach their target audience quickly. Here's how we see it ...

Infographic: Social Media Through the Eyes of a Gen Z

Posted On: February 23,2018 by: Kristine Jacobson
Leadership Tips for Small Businesses

Leadership Tips for Small Businesses

Posted On: February 09,2018 by: Kristine Jacobson
Leadership is all about taking people on a journey. “Only the guy who isn’t rowing has time to rock the boat.” - Jean-Paul Sartre Many small business owners struggle with leadership. It’s not a one-size-fits-all function, which often makes it more...
Who’s Your Target Market, Part 4 of 4- Marketing to Gen Z

Who’s Your Target Market, Part 4 of 4: Marketing to Gen Z

Posted On: January 26,2018 by: Kristine Jacobson
Marketing to Gen Z In our last post, we covered the Millennial generation and its love for all things digital. If you missed it, go back and have a read. It begins by talking about why defining and analyzing your target market is so important when...
Who’s Your Target Market, Part 3 of 4- Marketing to Millennials

Who’s Your Target Market, Part 3 of 4: Marketing to Millennials

Posted On: January 19,2018 by: Kristine Jacobson
Marketing to Millennials We’ve been working on a four-part series about target markets recently. Knowing how your consumer thinks, feels, and behaves is crucial when you are developing a marketing strategy. You can’t just assume that everyone will...
Who’s Your Target Market, Part 2 of 4- Marketing to Gen X

Who’s Your Target Market, Part 2 of 4: Marketing to Gen X

Posted On: January 12,2018 by: Kristine Jacobson
Marketing to Gen X In our last post, we talked about the generation with the most buying power in today’s marketplace, the Baby Boomers. It begins by talking about why defining and analyzing your target market is so important when it comes to...
Who’s Your Target Market, Part 1 of 4- Marketing to Baby Boomers

Who’s Your Target Market, Part 1 of 4: Marketing to Baby Boomers

Posted On: January 05,2018 by: Kristine Jacobson
Marketing to Baby Boomers In today’s highly competitive marketplace, it is essential to know your target audience. If you assume that everyone is a potential customer, you may as well flush your marketing dollars down the drain. You need to know the...

Dilly Dilly! Slogans that Become Catchphrases

Posted On: December 27,2017 by: Kristine Jacobson
Dilly Dilly! As we approach the new year, we can rest assured that a new catchphrase has firmly cemented itself into our lexicon in 2017: “Dilly Dilly!”
Turning Tech Talk into Business Value - Marketing Tech

Turning Tech Talk into Business Value - Marketing Tech

Posted On: November 17,2017 by: Kristine Jacobson
Marketing Tech ... Does Your Marketing Company Speak Geek? At Conveyance, many of our clients are technology-centric and serve as disruptors within their markets. From start-ups with innovative hardware or software solutions to established...
Reputation Management and Social Media

Reputation Management and Social Media

Posted On: July 28,2017 by: Kristine Jacobson
The right social media strategy manages your online reputation. I recently came across a quote from Steve Dorfman, Founder of Driven to Excel, a company that helps businesses improve their customer experience. It said, “You can either affect your...